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How to download and delete Zoom cloud files :: eLearning FacultyCreate and store recordings of Zoom meetings
Zoom default download folder. Change the default Zoom meetings recording folder
If you've previously recorded a Zoom meeting, it will be stored in one of two places: On the Zoom cloud or on your computer. The difference is that the cloud is reserved for those who have a zoom default download folder Zoom accountwhile those with a free account do not have access to that option. Both free and paid Zoom users can downloax to save locally.
If you've saved any recording to the Cloud, they will be listed under the "Cloud Recordings" tab; if you've saved any recordings locally, a record of that will be included in the "Local Recordings" tab. You should see a folder with the words "Zoom Meeting" listed in the title as well as other identifying information, click to open the desired recording. Your recording will be listed there, converted as an mp4 file for audio and video meetings, or as a VTT or chat file for a transcript of the meeting or a record of the in-meeting chat.
You'd then simply double click the file to launch it, and you may have to select a playback program, like Quicktime, to listen to or view it. More Button Icon Circle with three horizontal dots.
It indicates a way to see more nav /28468.txt items zoom default download folder the site menu by triggering the side menu to open and close. Smart Home. Social Media.
Devon Delfino. Share icon An curved arrow pointing right. Twitter icon A stylized bird with an open mouth, tweeting. Twitter LinkedIn icon The word "in". LinkedIn Fliboard icon A stylized letter F. Flipboard Link icon An image of a chain link. It symobilizes a website link url. Copy Link. Zoom default download folder recordings are stored either locally tolder your computer, or in the Zoom cloud, if you're a licensed user. Local recording is available to both free users and paid subscribers, but is not supported folser iOS or Android.
Note that downloadd recording does come with limitations, depending on the plan tier you have. Here's how to увидеть больше your Zoom meeting recordings, whether they're in the cloud or on your device. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. Devon Delfino zoom default download folder a Brooklyn-based freelance journalist specializing in personal finance, culture, politics, and identity. Follow her on Twitter at devondelfino. Insider Inc.
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